My Life, According to Me


Who I am
A Moment In the Mind
My Links


Beneath the fragrant, moonlit sky,
glistening in oblivion,
under that mirage of truth;
of surreal and tranquil dreams,
luxurious in its confident air and
wandering, drifting on whimsical currents
of the tide of celestial bodies,
the honest gleam of lacking makes contact.
Whirling in the cascade of misfortune,
the spark has been set upon rigorous efforts.
Having persistence and faith to no avail.
Seeing, knowing due to the illuminated serenity
of what shall not be found.
Discovering a perpetual abyss within the mind
through which one must pass
and knowing of a destiny
that leaves room only to reminisce on
what could have been, and to be
constantly tantalized by the flowing
harmony of the world,
of whose gleaming innocence you are not a part.
Truly believing that the laughter of the spirit
and the gentle caring has neglected to rendezvous.
Eternal rain, spilling in its mystical way,
gracefully caressing your mind yet
leaving, dismissing you with only wonder,
and that leaving you with outstanding

Peace, love, happiness.
Does anyone really know what these are?
They seem to be but a state of mind,
nothing solid.
No human can fully comprehend them.
We write, we speak, we claim we know
yet no one can describe any of the three.

Peace: calm, tranquil, at ease
no fighting, just companionship
Utterly unobtainable
Someone always disagrees.
Someone picks a fight-
out loud or in their heart.

Love: What is love?
No one knows. It is a subject,
something for the poets.
No one can say when your in or out
you just know,
yet you dont.
Its warm, of the heart, but
is it love or lust or like?

Happiness: yellow, warm, smiling.
The same yet always different.
No two people are happy the same.
You dont know what it is that makes you
happy, you just are.
Or youre not.
Then you wish for happiness and
lack it completely.

So what are they?
How can they be obtained?
People feel that it is their right
to feel these things, and fight for them,
thus defeating them.
Without a perfect world,
None of the three exist.
And they say, nothing is perfect.

Down in Front
Dimming to brightness,
Silence to a burst of sound,
Empty, quiet cold,
Bursting with light, color and sound.
Something to assail all your senses
All at once.

Perfect patterns of color,
Blended with light
Of the imagination and reality.
Rhythmic movements
of deja vu.

Sweet, melodious twinkle
Drifts from above, in front, behind,
Filled out with intertwined
Speech, of song, of the heart.

Salivate from the sight,
catching whiffs of a dream.
Knowing of the sweet scent
And pungent taste.

And cold, tingles the skin
As heat melts the soul.
The pain of longing and suffer
The soft touch of love.

Inspiring to the heart,
the mind the soul.
Remembering, telling, inviting.
Showing the path to tears,
joy and pain, hope and sorrow.
Pulled from the back, glued to the front.
Captivated, caught, lost
And smacking instantly into reality.

An ode to theater.

From inside an invisible box,
you see the world slightly skewed.
The outside sees in, but all is distorted
wavered as through that special glass.
But no one knows youre trapped
as though caged, yet none can see your confinement.
They think they see you, none other.
They think they the truth, unobscured.
But they are mistaken, and they dont help.
Dont help get you out.
For they see nothing wrong,
they may be trapped as well.
An entire world caged within their minds.
And most not knowing it.
All too afraid to think outside the box.
Too afraid to reach out, be different,
Free anothers mind, thus freeing themselves.
Climb out, up the sheer walls.
There are thing out there you cant see
through the clear walls.
People roam free, but they dont know
if you are free, or refusing to move.

waiting, standing on edge.
shooting past the moment
on to never-never land
never stopping to look at
Just waiting, hardly feeling,
hoping for tomorrow.
Not satisfied until the end
begins the next day.

The shaking starts,
the concentration ends.
Every nerve fixated on
one breath of time.
Mind whirling past you,
calling to catch up,
not waiting for you if you dont.
And never stopping to realize
that you are still stuck in
Called back out of the pleasant
that is still
tomorrow away.


Drift, with wind rain leaves
Down on my head shoulders
To my knees
I sit. Standing against time.
The leaves cant wait
Down, I follow.
Wet drip crisp crunch
slick slide down.
The chill brings the end.
I wait.
I can hold on to the wet leaves
as they fade away.
My time will come.
It is my fall.
But my winter, my December
is yet to come.
Its frost sits in wait
on the horizon. I
Through fog,
  the end.

Cold, slow, long, drawn
Night, silver twinklings
in the sky, on the ground.
From dark edged clouds,
hanging on the sharp, chill air,
drift tiny flakes of winter merriment,
blessing those with dreams
of sparkling white.

A landscape blanketed,
soft and peaceful.
Not a soul in sight to mar
the still white ground, covered
by a raging storm of the
heavens. Hiding all flaws
with gentle whiteness,
hiding the cruel nature of
a biting cold with a flurry
of razor sharp edged wisps,
attacking the comforts.

So as the breeze blows cold,
remember the eminent snows
Their soft glittering peace,
Their sharp, suffocating rendition;
the two-faced,


The past
comes through
cant escape it
It is us - it is today
The past is the present
redone, hopefully
or if it is the same,
then all is lost
learn to remember
Remember my story
We cant forget,
we must learn
'The pain will ease if I can learn'
'Burn the past to the ground
and feel the heat of the futures glow'
Today is yesterdays ashes.
It is the foundation
in the water
in the blood
'keeps finding ways to get to your heart'
dreams, visions, not just tomorrow
remember yesterday.
They will ask.
-Quotes from RENT


Rolling clouds across the sky Time passing on
Through the years
They keep
On coming
White ones and gray
Rain and shine
The clouds roll across my sky.
They never stop
Hardly ever stay
I will remember that
the rain moves on.
It makes the plants grow
and soaks my socks
But it cant rain everyday.
Even if the floods do come,
the clouds keep passing on.
Rolling above my head.
I can be safe inside
Watch them my window glass
But then Ill never feel spring
upon my face,
Not all rain is bad
Moist from the clouds in my sky.
Stormy winds and gentle breeze
Both push my clouds away.
Do I want the sun?
Or will I miss my cloudy days?


Reaching from mind to hand
feeling for a reassuring touch,
stretch from myself towards
  and finding you.

Groping in the darkness
and finding a spark of warmth,
with light enough to see
what I find to be you.

The energy of the spark,
the pressure of the darkness,
connected together,
we now can stand, no longer alone.

Together we form a safety.
a solid connection
with a special clasp,
tied with knots.

From a simple touch,
from connecting two hands,
a bond is formed,
to form a bridge of solid light,
as true as such could be.

Weeded Speech
cotton tongued
rising full
fluffed thoughtlessness
white dry static
controlled by black burning
destroying by dimmed
grayed out
muted,  conquered
dehydrated listless
empty cell
cotton padding to fill
air headed light
porous sieved
pierced and leaking
too much air
so quickly filled
suffocated breathless
tongue too big
no more sight
fierce bright light
an end an end
reach   grab
immensely whelmed
wetted down
soaked and spilling
drowning clogged
heavy weight to
fill the bottom
pull deep down
and drown
black dark wet
no sight no sound
the light filled navy
so water logged
so bloated
sink stink
rotten hidden
mildew weed
with too much weight
the tears fill down
within your own fluid waste.

Sharp Wet

Slosh, drift, fall, drop.

Cover up and fill in.

Blanketing the land flaws,

And creating new upon the wind.

Completing the thick, wet


Snow, ice, frozen white.


Softly powdering the tops,

cushioning the step.

Slick beneath the weather,

Sliding down the slope


Wet, tingling, pins and needles.

Red, raw cold.

Clench the fists, curl the toes,

Dont let the snow in.

Curl, hide, keep away,

roll, laugh, play.

Snow, white water,

Biting deep.


         -Kathryn Lieber


Secret Thought

A small gold circle of light

intertwining within

A silver ring

a lasting mark

a tiny hole

calling in the dark

to be filled.

An unanswered question

clogging thought

asking stars to lend their light

a golden-silver sparkle

caught in a hand.

hidden in the dark

the silent beating of a heart.

A silver tear

upon the splash of gold

longing for a quiet answer

to a question untold.

Two separate links

a chain unconnected

the intertwining locked apart.

In what solid darkness

hides the other

silver banded heart?

          -Kathryn Lieber


Cut Glass

Crystal cut ice reflected light

Fragile cut glass bud vase

Fracturing light amongst its intricate

     perfectionist pattern of meaninglessness

A shattered dream magnified in its gayety.

Broken pieces of lost hope multiplied by its

     many faceted facade.

A clear drop drips down

Forcing its way out a crack in a

     crystal prison.

A white hard ray forces in.

Shattered jarred and jagged rips through

     peaceful satin.

The diamond cut- a ragged break

A prick, a drop, a stain.

                -Kathryn Lieber



If I run, will you follow?

If I hide, will you find me?

If I am lost, will you search

     high and low for my

     forgotten soul?

If I bite back, will you heal my wounds?

If I shatter your world, will you repiece mine?

If I leave you dust, will you sweep

     up the mess you

     left in my soul?

If I try to forget you, will you haunt my heart?

If I block you out, will I find you inside?

If I run from you, take my leave, my final bow, say the last word and run for

     my life, will you come to see if I'm okay?

     to see if I still need love?

          -Kathryn Lieber



such a happy confusion, blissful daze,

without clarity, continual high.

writing a song, without any melody

a poem,    lacking the words.

True feeling and nothing more

filling every space, sticking like glue.

Starting afresh, smiling at the beginning

laughing at the path to the end.

knowing nothing, and seeing it all.

Caught falling, heart far gone.

Each breath breathes a word,

every moment a thought

tying me closer and holding taught.

never knowing what is real

too much love, happy thoughts

fly straight on till morning.

life is Never-never land,

I dont want to ever ever come down.

Twinkle a smile, question a dream

so unfamiliar, the confident hide.

a well-lit path, take a hidden trail.

Losing your way to end up right here

with you.


Nothing holds it, no words that true.

Something so unexpected and wonderfully pure.

Everything twisted, caught in a glance

sitting like before, upside down and



Here now, we start again

pressing warmth, hold me still.

freely moving in your clasp.

deep breath, light touch, life as







the light cascade of minted fog

drift over, wrap in close the wished concealed

faint tickle as warm dampth fills

tremor beneath bright moonlit eyes.

a momentous chill down a darkened road

peaceful steps count rhythm none follows

quick flashes jolts a twitch and vibrant

desperate pull-long and heat      ed night

passion in blues so close

stepping through red rivers fast

quickens, shakes its passage near complete.

gasp a quick               fills so calm

radiance so soft, tingles hot

from within the yellow sun across

trickles to light   your    see

and taste

my sunshine



soggy  cold  drip  dampens

down  my  spine  the  cold  chill  seeps  within

i  feel  it  trickle  from  mine  eyes

a  steady    stream  washed  out

from      red to clear it   flows  out  my  veins

released    of  vital  necessity's  worth

just the sharp electriccurrentcursingthroughthe water

the frying sting leaving my skin  touchless

the lost red wells in rage in my eyes

flowing as if ripped from hidden soul

 the ghost of me, so locked up, released   exposed

 as slug to salt.

Keep inside. protective womb of tortured mind

 absorbs lightening, sends to skin's lifeless.

And a rip in the contingency, soft  smooth  white

 corrupted red to reveal black

and the gray ghost fled

and watched left

and   collapsed in cold


and  the  wish  for  the  rain

harsh on the window

beats  against       and      saves

drowns  in    the    porcelain tub

ragged  worn    pathetic   twisted   dripping mess.

 fade to white

            d  o  n  '  t




a little thing inside of me

beating up and out to get free

a secret thought i must not tell

rings my head as if a bell.

but my clapper is cut

and my knell unheard

my mind dwells in its own secret world.

A world of vibrating repercussions

shaking down the stable thought

burrowing in until consumed

until all else has been bought.

a tortured mind left in wonder

at the repercussions of a moment

telling none the thought that stirs

for fear the thought that follows


            can  go   on


You, stone

as a tiny stone, a piece of bulk

nothing more than a pain in the shoe

in a little pond ripples the perfection

marring the surface from edge to rim

and clouds the space with muck risen up

clogged and impassable.

you, just as a tiny stone meaning nothing

but change the world

for one tiny fish who can hurt

the all of the pond

even once gone, the effects are there

ruin and impassable

and you are gone. finally it is free,

and the pollution of you clogs the breath

even still.

clouds killing the chance of sun.


Lost Visit

A shelter beaten ideal of mind

outside the norm, comfort is found

an awkward house, a piece-wise function

of a Tetris lost and connection on edge.

A radical found ordinary

too normal, unsure  lost in the bizarre dust

a setting sun over the moon.

An outcast from outcasts

alone with the lonely

withered hands, comic sketches, rats & comedy

a nightmare wishing end

  found peace in the knowing

that oddness is friend.

Silence broken, storm over common ground

the twisted winds open doors

see the lights hidden before

Suddenly safe in the edge of the storm.

Hope, wishing to release the dream

The tinniest spark rages a fire

 in the dry, waterless grass.

Enthralled in the majesty of flames

Home in the heat, melted heart

but quicker than flooding

 on ground that cant absorb

the fire gone, ruined

     by       one          word.



And then good night

pleasure meeting you talk to you soon

Good Bye.

                   Silent room.


                                            -Kathryn Lieber



lost in silence, a quiet kept.

within a chamber, darkness met.

the quietest shroud invisible hold

weighed down the days, a mind gone cold,

the tormented past covers in dust

every inch of what could be

lost within a cave of hopelessness

no chance to escape.

For the cave is within, with you inside

every drop from ceiling drips inside,

melts the dust into what is now you,

shh... don't make a sound lest

it all falls in.


Silk Bindings

Attached by words a shoddy connection

bound by brevity in quickly silenced

what could hold the full weight?

there is only air- never been solid.

a breathy mark left and drifted

and yet expected to be of steel

a tight iron clasp bound and gagged

with the softest silk and downy fluff.

quite conflicted and yet the norm

accepted as truth and fine

all have felt and greatly desire

the imperceptible touch  heart felt.

and the heavy sigh make air thick

of clouded mind visible still

a pining longing the thoughts barely grasped

but heard and lamented in all parts

whether there or not.

a few tiny words last eternity

till gold bind the tightest knot


My Soul Takes Flight


The wind blows

  for the restless soul

And when it comes

  to take it away,

It may not go quietly,

  but all to willingly

To see the light

  of a new day.


             -Kathryn Lieber





white     soft     heather

pale grey dim dusk

lilac   thyme   peri-


greyed lavender

cool misty warm grey


   silver,  red,  black.




Poem Snippets:


If life gives you lemons,

make lemonade...

But if you don't have enough sugar,

it will always be sour.



and what am I?

what do I count for?

Any reason to add me in

to the equation

at all?

I am just one more dot

one measly little voice

in the throng

no better or worse.

but what is self worth?

who has it? is confidence just a game?

is any soul worth its weight?

fighting to say yes

and often saying no



On the winds of change,

rides the hopes of our


No longer young,

lost youth to reality.

Lost Santa as they lost


The magic melts with the

snow not come.

The sparkle left the eyes,

the red jolly holly is sharp.

The blood mixes with the festivities.

Ice stabs through the


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Like a fly, you are drawn to the light...