My Life, According to Me


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A Moment In the Mind
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In depth...

Here's where you'll find long, drawn out rants, on...stuff. Can't be any more specific than that. I gaurantee that they will be odd, random, fun (maybe), interesting (hopefully), and a every day stuff. You might even be able to relate. Be sure to write me with your thoughts, comments, questions, concerns, beauty tips... whatever!


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Fire Bouncing Up Arrow 2

Oiy Vay!! The stars and fate are at it again. Just when I was kinda comfortable and enjoying the route things seemed to be taking, they veer off sharply dragging me behind. And this wasn't even stupid wishes this time! I got what I wished for, and wanted, and now farfar too much! I may have daydreamed it, in various ways, but those never come true! In fact, usually quite the opposite. And I did have a real dream last night, but that didn't come true either. Everythings all screwy! I wish I knew what was going on!
I guess I suddenly have something new to learn, but what this time? I may be a hopeless romantic who dreams constantly of love and romance, but I wasn't really looking for kissing practice today. Not that it isn't nice and all, but damn confusing, and now what do I do? What happens from here? This part is still so weird... they really need a guide book, or something... I thought the ball was in my court! Now I see its flying way over my head.
And I guess I'm stupid and at fault for playing the game, but... No, no excuse. I guess a reason though. I was caught totally off guard, and I have been in a really romantic, flirty, yeah even slightly horny, mood recently, I had a fun dream last night, and have been feeling good. And it's been a long time. Not long compared to some things, but long enough. And he's pretty damn forceful.There's no stopping some people, but that's not true either. I could have. But once again, why didn't I? I'm so bad at this. And he isn't the right one! But I guess that's the way this works. Least expect it sort of thing and such like. And there's nothing wrong with him... or bad, and a lot of good... but what about the other one? Who doesn't really pay attention to me, except yesterday... or the other two who recently have been, but could be joking... How do I go from none to too many too fast!? I must sound incredibly stuck up and conceited, but I don't mean to be. I really am just very confused, lost and torn. What do I do? If... no. Something might happen and then what? I was just finishing clearing up the past. Adn now... oiy! ::looks worried and exahusted:: Things were looking up, now they're too up. I'm going to stop now.

Well, I had to. I haven't yet it is. A religion bashing rant. I feel a little bad about writing it, only 'cause I know some of you buy into all this, but not really. It's what I think and feel, and this is my web site. And anyhow, this is a mildly nice rant in comparison to what I could say.
Some one-who will remain nameless because they are still a really cool person- set me this totally awful bogus e-mail that I just couldn't read without burning with indignation. So I am going to pick it apart because it really made me angry.
(My responces are in green)
Food for Thought - Where is God? (A damn good question...)

In light of the many perversions and jokes we send to
one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not
intended to be a joke, it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking. (Like to start thinking not to just rely on what everyone else tells you. You are allowed to have your own oppinon. We do claim to have free speech around here, and I certainly believe in free thought...)
Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her "How could God let something like this happen?" (regarding the attacks on Sept. 11). (Well, he really didn't have much of a choice, seeing as people did it, not some mystical heavenly being that we're still not sure actually exists and who worship is flawed and hardly existant. And don't get me started on September 11th....)
Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. (My ass she did) She said "I believe God is deeply saddened (well he would be if he was around, or he would probably laugh his ass off at how sad and stupid the human race has become. He would probably die of shame having created such an ungrateful pathetic existance.Here's another one for you. If God let this happen, why is he saddened by it? If he knew something was going to happen that would sadden him, wouldn't he stop it...Matt) by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. (I know where this is going... God has gotten the hint, am I right? of course I am) And being the gentleman (gentleman? Gentleman!? We're talking about the same guy who 'lets' AIDS and cancer and disease and death happen to good people even long before people got smart and wanted some free, intellectual time? No gentleman would let his believers and supporters die horrible deaths.) He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. (grammer check)How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?"(Well, if he was really a caring all powerful being, he would care for all of his 'children' equally regardless of beleif or worship preferences. Yes, this is a note to all who feel Christian is the only religion (or any one religion for that matter) if you were trully religious you would just believe in belief.) In light of recent events...terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, (may she rest in peace where ever and however she beleives she will rest) her body found recently) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. (Which, regarless of your oppinion of god's oppinions, is a perfectly ligitimate satement. The aim of many schools is to provide a comfortable learning environment for all students, which includes those of other religions or of none at all. To my understanding, a person does not need prayer forced at him in orer to believe or show faith. Plenty of kids beleive in the tooth fairy without having someone telling them and forcing them to believe every waking moment. Thank you Ms. O'Hare, for supporting diversity and supporting, inadvertantly, actual faith, not forced religion. Read Small Gods, while making fun of religion it points out the fact that actual belief and faith has died. Poeple now only fear the structure, not praise the god.)
Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school ... the Bible says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK. (Now, why do oyu not kill, or steal? Why do you suposedly try to respect everyone? (and that means everyone, not just those of your 'faith') Do you think everyday, The bible says so? Or is a matter of knowing wrong from right. With the proper upbringing, people can know murder is bad without god telling them so. God is a form of Barney. Now children, we must share. Maybe we should worship Barney, he says the same things in a much nicer tone. I have no formal religious upbringing and I don't kill, I don't steal, in fact, I am more loving and open minded of my neihbors than most of a 'faith'.) Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children (so you're promoting childabuse? Does god promote this? You didn't mention god, isn't that what this is about? Stick to the topic here.) when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide(Do you know exactly how this Dr. Sprock acted at home, how he treated his own kid? Do you know what was going on in his own kid's head? Do you know anything about suicide and depression? I didn't think so. Don't talk, you're just getting evil and gossipy now.)). We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said OK.  Then someone said teachers and principals better not discipline our children when they misbehave. (I am relatively sure that disciplin was not banished, what is detention or suspention, or being expelled? Maybe not always effective, but still in existance.) The school administrators said no faculty member in this school better touch a student when they misbehave (are we promoting abuse again?)because we don't want any bad publicity, and we surely don't
want to be sued (okay, so wrong reasons, but good results. Does the end justify the means? I'm not sure, but I know everyone thought this way. And those on the outside are just as twisted, people who sue at random. I bet some of them are 'devoutly religious' as well) (there's a big difference between disciplining, touching, beating, smacking,
humiliating, kicking, etc.(yes, there is. Do you know it?)). And we said OK.  Then someone said, let's let our daughters have
abortions if they want, and they won't even have to tell their parents. (I don't know about the not telling the parents bit, but there are some instances where the child really would be better off not know the miseries of life. Since god has apparently stopped helping and protecting his 'children', why should the poor kid have to suffer? Just because god has 'decided' it should have lived? The person chose to have sex. And if god ordained that, then if they go though with and abortion, he ordained that as well. He needs to take credit for all that happens, or none of it. He can't have just the good bits.) And we said OK. (Yes I am pro choice and proud of it.) Then some wise school board member said, since boys will be boys and they're going to do it anyway, let's give our sons all the condoms they want so they can have all the fun they desire, (This is a fifty-fifty debate. Would you rather they did it safely if they are going to it abyway? At least we promote better choices, safety and limit hazardous diseases that god is 'letting' happen. On the other hand, it could increase the teens having sex percentage, as well as the safe sex percentage, but maybe it will eliminate some of the forbbiden fruit mentality. And on teen sex in general, in the past, by the age of 12 girls were married and had kids. It was not only acceptable, but nearly required. That's when they matured and now we're trying to change this. Human nature is a hard one to change, as I have noticed as I try to get people to listen.) and we won't have to tell their parents they got them at school. And we said OK. Then some of our top elected officials said it doesn't matter what we do in private as long as we do our jobs. Agreeing with them, we said it doesn't matter to me what anyone, including the President, does in private (Oh lay off already! Its over, it happened! Do you want everything you do braodcasted all over the news? Yes what he did was wrong, but what was worse was his lying, not the actual incident, and peopl's morbid curiosity and insipid bashing. Nobody is perfect, get over it. Even the president is human. Even god has 'commited' a few unmentionable acts. I don't know the bible very well, but I believe some things are mentioned.) as long as I have a job and the economy is good. (Its the American dream, if your going to bash your fellow countrymen, your neighbors if you will, might as well beat down the whole country. But then you're being unpatriotic, heaven forbid. Not after 9/11. We can't have that. (We lost the god debate again, stick to oyur topic. You'd get a bad grade in English.)) Then someone said let's print magazines with pictures of nude women and call it wholesome, down-to-earth appreciation for the beauty of the female body. (I think its called porn, but I could be wrong. And the Greeks had tons of gods, and not one of them condemed their largely naked subjects. The female body was and is considered beatiful, that is why it isoften the subject of art, however you define that, be it by artist or content. It fact, its called fine art. Classical even. I'm not supporting porn, but don'r over step your boundries.) And we said OK. And then someone else took that appreciation a step further and published pictures of nude children and then further again by making them available on the Internet. (Okay, okay, not right. But, this does just show you how terrible the race of man is, all men, all religions. Does two kids in a bath count as child porn?) And we said OK, they're entitled to free speech. (I would like to take this moment to say the free speech no longer exisits as you will so kindly prove in your next sentance.) Then the entertainment industry said, let's make TV shows and movies that promote profanity, violence, and illicit sex. Let's record music that encourages rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic themes. (But I thought you said the bible taught us this stuff was bad? I thought god was so strong he could over come anything? speech. People have the right to say what they want in this country, whatever they want even if this seems to not be the case. If you say something 'out of the norm' or 'inappropirate' you are shot down, told not to speak. This is not free speech. Sure, those people who are yelling at the free willed talkers have a right to voice their oppinion, but then we have the right to ignore them. And try listening to some of these recordings. Often they are not promoting any of these things but rather raising awarness, or showing the bad side by offering them as good. Its just the religion has brainwashed society into believing everything they hear. Question everything, think for yourself.) And we said it's just entertainment, it has no adverse effect, nobody takes it seriously anyway, so go right ahead.(Yes, it has an effect, so let's teach are children to be moral and ethical people, and teach them to think of their own oppinons of the world they have been forced to live in.)  Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves. (Because the adults give a bad example. Because we have failed in our teaching. Because religion is worthless and no longer scares its 'followers' inot submission. People need to do good for themselves, not for some false being.) Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW." (Very true, you show children, god will kill those who are bad, children will think, because god does it it must be right, so they will kill those that they feel are wrong. We think Jihad (Muslim religious war) is very wrong, but have no bad to say aout the crusades, or any war fought because god said so. God promotes murder, so we get murder.) Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. (Many people who trash god don't believe in hell, so they'll have a little trouble with that one... And we know why the world is messed up. It is because of people. Because of people being unwilling to think, to react incitefully. It is because people are lemmings, they want to follow the majority instead of learning.) Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. (Reall funny, maybe we should make sure the truth is written in both instead of a load of gibberish.) Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing. (well yeah, look how offended people get when you send this crap. Why spreead lies?)
Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace. (They are only supressed by 'believers' who can't defend they're own thoughts because they have nothing to back them up. They only believe because they were told to.)

Are you laughing? (Laughing my ass off at how you can think these are good arguments that will have people speechless.)

Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they WILL think of you for sending it. Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us. (Forget god, what do you think of you? Yes people care far to much about other's oppinons, its what's inside that counts.) Pass it on if you think it has merit. (Or if oyur friends need a good laugh) If not then just discard it... no one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in! (Stand up and make the world a better place. Think. Act. Do it for the better of mankind, not some fake dream of an entity. The world is doomed due to mass stupidity and apathy, not lack of religion. Thought process is good, but god and religion don't support free thought in free speech. If they did, people who disagreed with the church would not have been burned or imprisoned. The church would welcome opposers for that would mean they are doing their job of spreadinf thought and wisdom. I welcome any challenge you wish to send. Feel free to try and beat me down. E-mail or IM me, or leave a note in my forum. I love to think.)

Why is it so hard for me to connect? Maybe my standards are too high, or I expect to much, or I'm too demanding, or overbearing, or insensitive or...something. But whatever the reason, I can't really reach out to people. I ahve this need for them to reach out to me. I like them to write me, or call me, or ask me, or... you get the point. But I can't go to them. I am trying, trying to reach out, trying to learn how to, but often I fail. Be it because I get my trust the I so carefully placed in them spat back at me, or that I see some little "sign" that Interpret, wrongfully or rightly I cannot say, as a message of 'I don't want to hear.' I believe heavily in symbolism, and I may be detecting things quite incorrectly, but I find that often that is not the case. Although, maybe I simply believe it to be true and convince myself of it so that I have no choice but to beleive it. I wish it could be different, but there still is my innate fear. I can't ask for help. I secretly sit alone crying hopeing that someone carign will just happen to walk into my bedroom, let me rest my head on their shoulder, and have them hug me close as I cry, telling me everything will be okay. I know such a fantasy could never become a realtiy, for who would randomly enter my room in the middle of the night, parents don't count. I want help, I want someone to know, but I cannot tell them. Everytime I get close, I become vague, mysterious-hoping someone will figure me out-or I simply smile and move on with a joke. It's easier that way. Everyone likes to laugh. No one ever complains about someone being happy, not wiht any real seriousness at least. But that doesn't really help. I still am trapped within myself, sending out tiny little messages, written in code in tiny little not-waterproff bottles, hoping someone will still be able to read what is written, letting that hope be my downfall. Hoping in impossible things just leads to more disappointment. Maybe I think it will all just go away, or that I can handle it, but nothing seems to be happening. I can't fix it. The cistern is so full, that every drop brings it over the brim. I need to clear something out, and find a new way to cope with the new arrivals, but what!? I seem to be losing solutions left right and center. Summer is coming, I hope that will bring better times, but sometimes more things need to change than external situations. So much is falling apart. I cry for everyone, everything. I can't change any of it. I can't help, I can't even help myself. Where can one turn in all this mess?

Attention to all of you who are on good enough terms with me to still be visiting my web site. I have a very important anouncement to make. I would like to retract any and all statements I have made since last Friday, May 3, 2002. Any statements wich I have uttered in your presence that you feel is too offensive or contraversal to be left in the opened, shall henceforth be removed. This, I may add, is not because I feel I have said anything wrong, nor is this statement an apology in any sence of the word. I am simply withdrawing myself from your lives, and I would like that withdrawl to include these past few days. I would like to repeat: I am not sorry nor am I reducing the strength or validity of anything I have said, or typed. I am simply removing it's existance, denying it the chance to live, and denying you to gain any help or knowledge intended to be gained by these statements. This retraction of words is not a retraction of thought nor am I erasing the events in which they occured. This retraction also does not mean that you, meaning the you involved, have won nor does it mean that I agree with you by any means. Nor does it mean that I have given up, stopped carring, realized I have lost, or that I am what you say I am, or that I can or cannot be or understand what is you have said. I am simply making your pathetic little life easier, so you can rest easy, on a clean conscience that you don't realize has been tainted. Sweet dreams.
For those of you who did not catch the symbolism, irony, sarcasm, and political statements: I am still pissed.

Am I so stupid as to believe in hope, put faith I had it once, but it often fails me. I am so much better off just expecting the worse, and yet, I can't help but hope that I will be pleasantly surpirsed. And there, in that, is my downfall. That tiny gilmmer of hope is what kills me every time. Because every time, I am not pleasantly surprised, and I get dissapointed, even though I tried not to feel at all. I can't not feel! I can't escape myself! I don't want to hope anymore, I want to be able to be able to be empty. I wish I could get information, and then not analyze it. Just learn and flush, learn and flush. But its my damn curiosity. I wish I could disspose of it, but often it is what keeps me connected, keeps me here. I can't leave it, for fear of death, and it can't leave me. I am trapped, once again, within myself. My own mind is my prison. And try as I might, the more I bang on the bars, scream and shout at the jailer, I only hurt myself. I am the only one around to hear. I look out the window, and live my through that window. I want the bars to dissapear so I can fly once more...

Why does the mind have to be so confusing? What is it that fate must lead us through before we reach the end? And why do I really not want to know these answers? I know that everything I must go through has some reason, some test I must find they way to pass, but that doesn't make it much better. We all are twising and turning in some perpetual cloud of ... what? Almost everyone I know is lost in this demse cloud, and each one is relying on the next to get them out. If we form a chain, will one of us find the end and pull the rest through? Will we just find a different cloud of a different color on the other side? Is there someone beyond all this that can help us out? I no longer know. I am lost in my own little dust cloud, inside the bigger one. I have been surviving day by day this past week. But I have made it so far. And so has everyone else. But as one issue gets better, another gets worse. And is my issue better? I'm not sure. I'm still confused and I still don't know where to turn. So much has happened in one short year. If each year is like this, How will I ever survive? "How do you measure, a year in the life?" -RENT They paused at the start of Act II to reflect on the passage of a year, in fact a last year on Earth. And it almost was. What will this next year bring? What will next weekend bring? I hope curiosity will help everyone else stick it out as it has for me. I hope this cloud begins to unravel...even if a new one is on its way.

What do you do when you want to die, want to simply give up, kick the bucket, turn in all your chips? When you know you no longer wnat to live, that you aren't ready to face another day, simply can't bear to go on living, and still know that you most likely won't do? I want to this time. I want to so bad. I'm ready for it. Ready enough to post this. But I still know I won't go through with it. I didn't finish my homework, or memorize the script I'm supposed to perfrom Tuesday. Nothing really seems to matter any more. I don't care about much. Everything that seemed important just isn't anymore. I don't want to work on this damn show, I don't want to perform. I am fucking tired of acting all day, every day! I want this all to be over! Damn it all to hell! Why the fuck can't I go through with it?! My life feels like shit! Why the hell would i want to wake up tomorrow?!
I have a plan. I know what I am going to do. I set my plan a week ago. I am actually a day late. Because Friday I was given some hope, and I clung to it on Saturday. Now I know it to be a lie, know my life to be a lie. And I'm still here. I don't want to be here. I need a few days off. I need a vacation from life. I feel like I'm going to throw up. It would make the pills work better. I can't stand a bit of my life, and yet some goddamn stupid bit of me still wants to wake up tomorrow. Don't think I can't do it, I know I can. I can picture me doing it, no big deal. I want to bad enough. But I can see part of me going on, just to spite myself and not become some damn teenage statistic. But I know I won't like that part. That part is as bad as the rest. And will do some damn stupid stuff. And it will die too. Maybe I will be able to it.

I guess I want to quote an old saying first: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. And you know, usually that's not an altogether bas thing, and I believe that there is a good side to everything, but it sure makes life more complicated. Well, if you wish on stars, I know I do, you have to be very, very specific with them. They know what you mean, but like to go with your exact words. You really have to spell things out for them, or they twist your thoughts up in complicated ways... Oh, and be careful with those pop tabs too, they also just might work, especially if they've teemed up with those tricky stars. ::sighs::
I guess my mind is just twisted up. To much listening to littel quotes and fortunes and horoscopes. And too much star-gazing. No, I take that back. I love stars, I guess I just get the joy of dealing with what fate hands me. Fun in a barrel. (Right over the There is good in everything, there is good in everything. I just know there is a good ending out there, and it might be fun getting there, but who knows how long and bumpy that road will be? Not me, that's for sure.
And if I could know, would I want to? I guess not. I rather like fate's random surprises. There has to be some relavence in the end. We shall see, we shall see.
But untill then, I think I migh take residence in insanity. "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."
Well, life has certainly gotten very interesting... would I have it any other way? Hell no! But I just wish the answers were easier to find........


Well why the hell not! I'm gonna take a chance now the all the people I know are enlightened, so to speak, and right an updating rant. Yes, believe it or not, this one does fit, in a odd sort of way, to the first. You have now entered the mind of a crazy person... good luck!

Those stars have got me into more trouble than they're worth, but I think I have faith in them to help me out again. But then, do I want out? I don't know. How can I decide who to that the right word? I'm not sure. I guess it's more like which instincts do I follow? And what will the outcome be? And I'm sure I'll get an answer, eventually, and the outcome will turn out, ok. But how long until it comes? Can I wait? Can the world wait? Time, timing, fate...
My entire world is sitting in a dense fog, a cloud, I can't see out! But not the whole world--I have two worlds. One I have to be comepletely normal, one is all chaos. But they're merging, slowing blending together and I feel like everything is slowly turning upside down. My own mind is ripping into at least two pieces. But the end is near... I think. You know what, I can't tell. I've lost site of the light at the end of the tunnel. And no one knows the way out....
PLease, let this all end ok.

Here we have Sean's advice on everything. I don't think changing names is neccissary, we all know who we are. So, he's painfully truthful, but rather right, so here it goes:

Sean: i think i have a special situation seeing this from the outside view from all of you. you are all being slightly foolish, but none of you have done anything wrong and that's the really wierd part
Kathryn: so what do you figure?
Sean: you want my opinoin on the whole thing?
Kathryn: yes, I do
Sean: now this will be a rant
you might want ot put it on your site\
ok well i have always said that the most important thing in life is to be truthful to yourself and to others about the way you feel. all of you are doing that in a really twisted way. you are doing it, just keeping it to yourself. the basic thing that makes this hard is that none of you are wrong. when you have a wrong and a right things are much simpler, but nothing here is simple.
We should start with matt.
the man was more than blissful the way he was with krystyna. he could've been that way forever. then it ended, and he now has to deal with the idea that he can not cling to that and needs something else. what he finds is someone who has been close to him, someone he cares about. he found you, who underneath it all he has always liked. however, he previously had the security of krystyna so he did not have to consider his feelings, now his security is gone. he looks at you and realizes he's not supposed to feel this way. this is not supposed to happen. but he is hurt by what happened and says, the hell with it these are my feelings and i am not going to change them. he wants to make everyone happy with him being with you, but knows he can't do it and knows that he can't make you ok with it, so all he can do is keep trying and sit and wait until something changes. that's why he tried to kiss you. he wants to keep trying. he wants you to forget about eveyting stopping you two and just let go. he has to wait and it's making it rough on him.
Now krystyna is really getting shafted by this whole thing. she broke up with matt, true by her own free will but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt her too. she is trying to see it from everyone else's perspective, but no one has really been talking to her. she's feeling like she's been left in the dark and now her eyes are just starting to get used to the light. she wants to do what is best for you and matt,
she wants to let go, but at the same time she is human;
she has a natural instinct to be upset about what is happening and knows what is right it's just hard to do it.
she is confused and feeling very alone
she needs time
she needs comfort and you and matt to be her friends
she needs something but doesn't know what. she is lost but she wants to do right.
Now we get to you, the little blonde in the middle of her wo best friends. what are you to do? you realize the unwritten rules: you do not go out wiht you best friend's ex-bf, it's just not done. but rules are stupid really, and you are kind of playing with that idea i think. you like matt, but you are loyal to krystyna. you see the reasons she broke up with him and see those as reasons to stay away. but the bottom line is you like him. you are friends with krystyna but you want it to be ok to be with him. you want to be happy but you don't want to put yourself first. it's natural. it's called being a nice person and a good friend.
so what do we have here then?
nothing short of a love trinagle really.
because love is how deep your friendship goes. one of you has to budge. it's just a question of which one. you are all being torn in two different directions.
so i cna only give my opinoin on what to do
so here it is:
krystyna needs to step back. she needs to realize that her friendship to both of you is what matters. she needs to let the both of you be happy and together and that will help make her happy.
you have to trust krystyna and know that she means it when/if she says it is ok. you need to let go and be happy. you need to realize that the problems will work themselves out as long as you go with your feelings.
finally we get to matt. matt needs to let go of any anger he feels with krystyna. he needs to be sensitive to her situation, and to be her friend and be happy for her no matter what. then he needs to just go with his feeling for you.
with that everyone gets past crtain things. everyone takes a step back and makes some confessions. this can make everyone happy if you are all willing to be honest and truely let go.
that is my opinoin and the end of my rant.


Another wonderful rant from Sean:

WARNING: if you are a republican or a Bush supporter and can not take
criticism it would be in your best interest not to read any farther.

What can we say about George W. Bush? Well if you go by what you mother
always told you, "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything
at all", you really can't say much. However, I was lucky enough to have a
democrat for a mother who encouraged me to speak my mind. So we can evaluate
Bush in three areas: his past, his politics, and his presidency.
Well George W. doesn't exactly have an impressive past. He had numerous
run-ins with the law for things from drinking to drug use. He openly admits
to being a former alcoholic, and now claims that he no longer drinks. The
man basically rode the coat tails of his father. He used him to get into
college and to get out of trouble. The man has never learned to properly
take responsibility for anything. Now not only has he ridden his father's
coat tails, but he has also been president of an oil company. The same oil
companies that pollute and destroy our environment at an astonishing rate.
He has proven himself to be a greedy supporter of big business, with no
thought to the consequences to his actions. Now only in the state of Texas
could a man like this become governor. And what do you know? He did. Now
Texas has always been a very conservative state that has been a huge
supporter of capitol punishment, but during Bush's time in office the
execution rate reached a new high. Not only that but Bush also claimed to
turn Texas' failing education system around. His proof for this was an
increase in scores on state administrated tests. Which he increased in
number during his time in office. While the scores did increase on the state
tests, it is only because those were significantly easier than the national
ones and did not cover the same material. The scores on the national test
stayed exactly the same keeping Texas a sparkling 47th in the nation in
As for Bush's politics, how could this man possibly become president? He
is by definition a relatively liberal republican, but he also has his points
where he is very conservative. Where do we start? Let's start with his
economics. George W.'s economic plan is basically the same "Voodoo
Economics" that the Regan administration started and that his father's
administration continued. It's the idea that if you give the tax break to
the wealthy they in turn spend more money and boost the economy. Now if you
assume they spend the majority of the money on American products, the money
they spend eventual trickles down to the lower economic classes. In theory
it works fairly well. However, everything works in theory. In reality what
this economic policy does is straps the government financially, increases
our import of foreign goods, and sends the country into a recession and
eventually a depression. Next we have his views on capitol punishment. I
know that I am in the minority when I speak out about this topic, but under
no circumstances do we as people have the right to take the life of another
human being. It is just unacceptable. Continuing on we can talk about his
foregin policy. His policy bears great resemblance to the ones of our past.
Times when we became isolationists' and cut ourselves off from the rest of
the world to the point where it took us several years and direct attacks to
get involved in the world wars. Right now there is no other real super power
besides the United States, and with how intertwined the world has become
politically and economically the world can not afford to lose the United
States as it's leader and helping hand. Next we get to his environmental
policies and his plans on how to deal with our current energy crisis. Now
the bottom line is the energy crisis is not as bad as it appears. The reason
for the incredible hike in prices of both electricity and gasoline is Bush's
unwillingness to regulate them, resulting in the opportunistic oil and
energy companies to take advantage of the U.S. population. Now his solution
of destroying national treasures such as Yellowstone National Park and the
untouched wilderness of Alaska is totally out of line. Not only would that
destroy some of the few unscared areas of our country but it would also be
foolish economically. In the time it would take to first drill and then
build the pipe lines to transport the oil back it would cost so much and
take so much time that off shore drilling would have been much more
successful. Not to mention the decades it would take to recoup the costs of
such a project. Next we can talk about his plan to save social security. We
really dont have a plan to fix it at the moment, and what most people dont
realize is that the money you are putting into social security is not being
stored away for you. In fact just as fast as you put it in it is being spent
on those currently on security. We need to find a way to fix it, but with so
many people living so much longer it is becoming difficult. For these
reasons I can not criticize Bushs plan for the fact that it doesnt fix it.
However, I can point out the fact that under Bushs plan social security
will be bankrupt in 20 years instead of 50 years as under Gores plan.
Finally we get to his medical care policies. What he has proposed does
nothing for those who really need help with their prescription drugs. The
over 65 population surviving on social security is totally ignored by his
plan. He thinks that by giving the drug companies incentives to bring their
prices down means they will. What he is in effect doing is rewarding the
prescription drug companies for ripping off America.
Now we get to the presidency of George W. Bush. Oh what a presidency it
has been too. The man who entered to office promising to bring the
republicans and democrats together is now finding difficulty keeping the
support of his own party. We have already seen one Senator switch parties
and there is a possibility that more will follow. Since becoming president
Bush has not done anything correctly. Within his first 100 days in office he
already mishandled and international incident with China. He continued he
run of mistakes by destroying the EPA standards on carbon monoxide emission
that had been fought for so hard over the past 10 years. The terrible
repercussions something such as the reversing of those standards is almost
unimaginable. He has doomed our environment. He moves from dooming our
environment to dooming our economy. Bush successfully pushed an only
slightly revised version of his original tax cut. A tax cut, mind you, that
is based off of over inflated surplus predictions from a time where this
country was in the greatest economic boom the world had ever seen. The
surplus is gone. And yet we are still giving a tax cut. Not only are we
giving a tax cut but we are also pouring billions of more dollars into the
defense contractors. This money is not just meant to give the members of our
armed forces a raise, but it is intended to build some form of new age
defense system to save America. A system that even if ever successfully
completed will probably be out of date with in 6 months of coming on-line.
From the military to the patients bill of rights. Bush went ahead and
backed up all those pharmaceutical companies and HMOs that funded his
campaign. He vetoed a bill that would have allowed patients to sue an HMO in
both state and federal court, with a $5 million cap on punitive damages. He
took power from the hands of the patient and merely secured the continuation
of poor and unreasonable medical coverage from todays HMOs. Finally we get
to Bushs actions concerning cloning and stem-cell research. What he did was
refuse to promote the greatest scientific advance of the past 300 years.
Now the blame over human cloning can not be placed squarely on his
shoulders, as it was the lack of foresight by congress that shot this down.
However, where the blame can be squarely placed is directly in his lap by
not allowing doctors and scientists to use cloned embryos in stem-cell
research. He has set medicine back 20 years. All of the fantastic medical
advances that can come from stem-cell research will now take much longer and
be much harder to come by thanks to our beloved president. His presidency up
to this point has been a total disaster. The only thing good to come of it
is that the likely hood of his re-election is almost non-existent at this
George W. Bush is a man who should never have become president. Had it
not been for family ties in Florida and Supreme Court justices who were
watching out for themselves more than anything else, he would not even be
president. Now I am not saying that Al Gore was the answer to all of our
problems, but I ask you this: Could he have been any worse?

This is the official George W. Bush anti-rant. Since my political orientation is more
liberal than a K-mart return policy I actually had to sell my soul to the devil to finish
this, but anyway here it goes:

What can I say about George W. Bush? Well, I can say the man is a
sex-god... I mean he is a very qualified man and an excellent president. Oh, I have
heard all of the arguments about Georgy being drunk and incompetent, but lets
address all those points individually.
First, what does it matter that he has had some run-ins with the law. How
can we trust any law enforcement officers who have tried to arrest our messiah.
Besides, I can't say that I really respect any police because they are too busy giving me "speeding tickets" and charging me with "vehicular manslaughter", whatever the hell that is supposed to mean, instead of catching those really responsible for ruining our fair country; for example, people like Richard Simmons, Martha Stewart, and the Kebleer elves.
Second, one of our greatest presidents, Ulysses S. Grant, was an alcoholic
and yet he is rated as one of out 10 best presidents by historians nation-wide. Even
if our president knocks back a few bottles of Jack Daniel's now and then what's the
big deal, I mean have you seen his wife, shit man, I'm taking about bow-wow, you
know what mean. My god I'm surprised the man isn't always drunk.
Third, our president has not always ridden the coattails of his father. President Bush has taken responsibility and initiative in many situations. He owned and managed an oil company, he bought his own cocaine, and even today he has taken
several major initiatives to help our environment; one being that he has promised to
recycle all of the beer cans his daughters have used.
Finally, I would like to address two other issues, one being the economy
and the other being education. Our economy was screwed ever since Bush took office, and a recession was always on the horizon. Once Dick Cheney entered office, our economy was simply not strong enough to keep him going and keep our head above water. And what about education? Everyone believes that Texas is in such poor shape because of George W. Bush, but I ask all you cynics out there: have you ever met a Texan. My god, I have not seen so much stupid in such a big place ever in my life. Cow-pies in Texas have a higher level of education, on average, than Texans do. If you really wanted to give out state-administered exams, you shouldn't give them to students, but to the pieces of s*** that are out in the fields. That way you can get an accurate sample how smart Texans really are.
All in all I'm proud to stand up and say "That's my Bush". Good luck
George, don't worry we will find your marbles soon. And as my fellow Greeks say,
"Ainde na gamithite" and "God save the Queen".

I wonder, is it better to do what is right, to follow logic and reason, or to be happy? Is it better to do what others consider to be the better choice? Should you suffer what you do not wish to bear because others envy that which must endure? Or should you do what your heart and soul plead you to do; what you know you want?
But can you really tell what it is you want? Is it merely a bit of maladjustment? Should you try harder to make that thing which you seem to hate into something that can be withstood? Should you challenge it and continue merely to see if you can beat it? But then your are insincere to yourself and your heart. You do neither what you want nor what you should for even if you are doing what others feel is right, you do it for the wrong reasons, canceling out any good of it.
But, you would be receiving the benefits that others see to be good. Therefore, some good will come out of your actions, even if those actions be right for the wrong reasons. But will you realize that you are receiving these benefits? For if you concentrate your energy on beating the system, you lose the value of the experience.
So it all comes down to which is better: doing what you should, or doing what your heart says is right. One would think theyd be one and the same, right and should. But there are times when they are not. What is right for you may not be what others think is what you should do. But then you say that others opinions dont matter and you should live to be someone you can live with. But you do have to live with others and endure their opinions as well. And if you listen to them enough, youll feel that the choice you made, to be true to yourself, was a wrong one. And then youll be left as indecisive as before, just more confused and lost. So I ask you: what is better, taking the path less traveled, the path that leads through your heart, or taking the path that most feel with give you the most of your journey?


I would like to take a moment here just to say how wonderful all of my friends. I don't even want to think where I'd be without you guys. Trust me, it is not a pleasant thought. I can hardly believe that you gutys manage to put up with all the crap I put you guys through, and you still seem to think that I'm an ok person. I love you guys. Everyone needs to search the Earth until they find friends like you, otherwise life just isn't worth living. I am thankful nearly every day that you are my friends. I have spent years hoping, almost praying, that I'd find 'you'. I put that in quotes for I didn't know who you were, I only had the dream of the perfect group of people. I am so glad that I found you. Some day you may actually know how trully greatful I am for all that you have done. Some day I'll be able to put it into words, words that I can actually speak. Just...thank you. All of you. You are, trully, my saviors. To all of you: Sean, Emily, Claire, Krystyna, even Pat, Andi, Christina, Paul, Nikitas, and everyone I have forgotten. And to you Matt, thank you.


Do you think you'll get out ok?
